Re: [*FSFFU*] New Genre

From: Vonda N. McIntyre (vonda@OZ.NET)
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 01:38:05 PST

Hi Lindy,

The Moon and the Sun is a historical novel. Or
it's a historical fantasy. Or maybe it's an SF
novel, only how could it be, since it's set at
Versailles in the court of Louis XIV, the Sun
King, in 1693? It has sea monsters in it, so it
must be about magic. (That was the comment that
really threw me for a loop... but then a lot of
critics called Dreamsnake a fantasy.) And it's
certainly the closest thing to a classical romance
that I've ever written. (Maybe it's a breath mint,
who knows?)

Anyway, a bunch of reviewers have declined to
review it even though they _said_ they liked it
(maybe that translates to "it's covered with sci
fi cooties," I dunno), but they couldn't
"pigeonhole" it in a particular genre, so they
were going to ignore it.

So when I saw this reference to the sf romance, I
thought -- and I'm being quite serious; I'm not in
the least trying to make fun of the genre -- maybe
_that's_ what I wrote this time.


>Subject: Re: New Genre
>From: "Lindy S. L. Lovvik" <>
>Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 23:33:40 -0800
>I haven't read The Moon and Sun yet. What is the
>genre confusion about?
The Moon and the Sun -- One of Publishers Weekly's
"Best Books of 1997"$3946

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