Re: [*FSFFU*] looking for recommendations for course

From: L Garforth (lg109@YORK.AC.UK)
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 12:01:09 PST

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Pat wrote:

> I think it's really quite likely. These things come around and then
> go around. The Georgian period was much wilder than the Regency, which in
> turn was much less (publically) stuffy than the Victorian Age.
> Patricia (Pat) Mathews

I take your point, but I guess I was thinking generationally - so if you
think that Kevin (I think) 's parents in the novel would be like the same
age as my (hypothetical) kids, or something (wow, that was clear), it's
hard to imagine they would be any more like me than my great-grandparents
are (were, actually). Sorry if the generations got all mixed up, there!
I think my real gripe is that Robinson doesn't offer any reason or
discussion of why those patterns would repeat within the novel, which
looks at the extrapolation of current social trends - and I guess divorce,
serial marraiages, and the (possibly overstated, but nonetheless
observable) decline of the nuclear family should be included there.


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