Re: [*FSFFU*] Independent Female Characters (was: Re:X-Files)

From: Nina M. Osier (mbarron@MINT.NET)
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 15:20:16 PST

> >
> > Who else?
> >
> > 1) Capt. Janeway?

I must comment that I've been very amused to notice that the recent
articles (that seem to be everywhere, not just in TV Guide!) on "the new
Star Trek women" either barely mention or completely ignore the Janeway
character. I relate this to the apparent mind-set of a recent posting
on the Pocket Books BBS that asked something like (this is definitely
not an exact quote): "John, how does putting a babe on a Star Trek book
cover affect the book's sales? Janeway doesn't count."

Which to me doesn't indicate that Kate Mulgrew is not an attractive
woman; it just indicates that the character she portrays has been
accepted by ST fandom, with the initial fuss over her presence quite
forgotten. This is an attitude transformation that's familiar to us
40-something women who have many times gone somewhere first, caused
consternation, and have since become - yes - just normal members of the
cast in our own career settings.

Nina Osier

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