Re: [*FSFFU*] New Genre

From: Vonda N. McIntyre (vonda@OZ.NET)
Date: Fri Nov 21 1997 - 23:34:47 PST

Hi Rhian,

I direct folks to the University Book Store in
Seattle so often that everybody probably thinks I
get a commission, but I don't.

It's just that they support the local sf community
in general and have been wonderful to me in
particular; they discount hardback fiction, and
they ship for free within the US.

There's a link to their site from my web page (see
.sig); also some links to excerpts (I hope to put
up another late tonight). (see .sig) Their
ordering number is 1-800-335-7323.

And I live about 10 minutes away, so the chance of
your getting an autographed copy of a book of mine
if you order it here is... pretty close to 100%,
I'd say. (As opposed to, which is also
in Seattle, but which ignores email and phone
calls about signing what stock they might keep
around, or providing free bookplates -- they _do_
do signings, but I guess they're not interested in

UBS held a huge sf signing party on Wednesday
evening... 24 west coast writers -- I'll list them
all because we all signed the bookstore's stock,
so if anybody is faunching for an autograph by any
of these writers, now is a good time to get one:

 (Steven Barnes, Chris Bunch, John Cramer, Joel
Davis, Elizabeth DeVos, William Dietz, Ru
Emerson, Howard Hendrix, Kay Kenyon, J. Gregory
Keyes, Megan Lindholm (Robin Hobb), Vonda N.
McIntyre, Don McQuinn, Louise Marley, Susan
Matthews, Julian May, Mike Moscoe, Rebecca Neason,
Eric Nylund, R. Garcia y Robertson, Sean Russell,
Richard Paul Russo, Neal Stephenson, Bruce Taylor)

Sorry for the advertisement. I just think this is
one of the best independent bookstores in the
country, so when I get a chance to throw in a plug
for them I'm afraid I overdo it a little. I mean,
they put up a window display for Moon & Sun (also
on my web page) that was MORE elaborate than the
one for Elvis a few windows down.


On Fri, 21 Nov 1997 15:36:00 EST, Rhian Merris

>... (Only been to
>one bookstore recently, and it was somewhat lame, even if the person at
>the check-out had met Octavia Butler.)
The Moon and the Sun -- One of Publishers Weekly's
"Best Books of 1997"$3946

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