Re: [*FSFFU*] New Genre

From: Lesley Hall (Lesley_Hall@CLASSIC.MSN.COM)
Date: Mon Nov 24 1997 - 12:12:00 PST

Haven't yet got to 'The Moon and the Sun' (giving the extortionate exchange
rate applied by UK importers of US books) but another novel that seems to fit
is Brust and Bull's 'Freedom and Necessity'. Has anyone else read this? What
do you think of it? I didn't have my usually-sensitive teeth set on edge by
the Victorian (alternative-Victorian?) setting though I did notice a few small
linguistic errors (either non C19th or non Brit usage) but fairly tiny.
Possibly because of the rather Gothic ambience, so that it could be read as
being more about this convention... Plus I thought it did have a nuanced sense
of the differences of different bits of the Victorian period--wasn't making
vast assumptions about 'prudery', 'hypocrisy' etc.

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