Re: [*FSFFU*] creative writing and sf

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 26 1997 - 05:43:17 PST

>I agree. I took creative writing -- made some excellent friends there --
>and now teach it. I'm more than willing to read anything my students
>write, but I do insist that they don't just recycle the unexamined
>fantasy ideas they bring in. I want them to THINK about their characters,
>and their situations, and make them physically and psychologically logical.
>THEN they groan. (Like my student who had his evil usurper jail all the
>potentially dangerous dissidents while executing the criminals. I told him
>to read the rules for evil warlords, and not write anything stupid. He took
>it pretty well, I think. And he'll have a better story. (I hope. I have to
>read 'em all in a couple of weeks.)
>Martha Bartter
>Truman State University

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