[*FSFFU*] Antwort: [*FSFFU*] Strange Days movie

From: Adrian Marley (Adrian.Marley@O-TEL-O.DE)
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 00:36:10 PST

I have to agree with Marina on this one. "Strange Days" was a very
underrated film and didn't perform well at the box office. I intended
catching it in the cinema but it had disappeared after two weeks. When I
finally caught up with it on video it was every bit as good as some reviews
had suggested. It also has the distinction of being directed by a woman,
Kathryn Bigelow, which is unusual for an action film. But it is a way above
average action film. For a start it has a plot. It also has some wonderful
actors: Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett and Juliet Lewis. It was produced by
James Cameron and may also have been written by him. It's well worth a


"He's a man of few words but he keeps repeating them."

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