Re: [*FSFFU*] P.C. Hodgell

Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 10:09:00 PST

Thanks, Vonda.

Vonda wrote:

There's a web page for her --

I was going to look around for her email address
for you, but the background color of the page made
my over-40-eyes try to fall out, so I gave up I'm


Mike Levy also gave me some information, and I located the faculty page
at UW Osh-Kosh. There was an email address for her in the UW system, but
I'm not sure that she uses it.

At any rate, I checked the link that you gave me, followed it to a
"Kencyr" page, checked Hypatia Press, and they seem to have all of her
books, albeit at sizable rates. The least expensive versions are
hardcover, signed editions:

1) God Stalk / Dark of the Moon $50
2) Seeker's Mask $35
3) Blood & Ivory $35

I'll be picking up copies, but I won't be getting quite as many extra
copies for Christmas presents as I initially thought....

Anyway, again, thank you Vonda. And thank you, Mike.


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