[*FSFFU*] Strange Days

Date: Tue Dec 02 1997 - 11:25:43 PST

<Coming out of deep lurk, since I'm still reading messages from September>

Hey Laura, why am I getting a digest of this list. I didn't touch anything!

I thought Strange Days was one of the worst movies of 1996. I usually like
most movies I see and given that 1996 had better movies than 1997 so far,
that's saying alot. I thought the plot was poorly written, the characters
unconvincing, and so on.

Angela Basset's character should have kicked Ralph Fiennes character in the
teeth at the end of the movie. His character was totally unsympathetic.

What bothered me most was the gratuitous rape/snuff scene in the middle of
the movie. I have a high tolerance for weird deviant stuff, but this scene
was totally unneeded. I almost walked out of the theater in protest. That
scene had nothing to do with art or free speech or the damn plot--it was in
there for the ratings and money.

Fortunately, Strange Days did poorly at the box office and will be
forgotten in a few years.

Strange Days is simply a bad movie.

Bab5 Zone

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