Re: [*FSFFU*] Strange Days

Date: Wed Dec 03 1997 - 16:35:56 PST

Well, well what can I say? Seems like this film is something like _Beavis
and Butt-head_ and Courtney Love. Some people find it too special to be
understood by everyone, others claim it's just a disgusting example of
bad taste. I like _Beavis and Butt-head_, Coutney Love, Strange Days,
Marylin Manson, and some other off-mainstream stuff. If that by any
means puts me outside the circle of "any self-respecting intellectuals" (a
quote from the anti-Strange Days half of the thread), that's just too
bad. I also watch porn movies sometimes (and my main objections to them
are: first, that there is nothing in that for straight women, and second,
that this sometimes really gross stuff is the only currently available image
of female sexuality).

Finally, I shave my legs and believe in God, neither of which was any
part of mainstream culture in the country I grew up, by the way. I shave my
legs because I like it better this way, I did it in a place where it was
considered weird, and I'll still do it even if no one else does anymore. The
same with religion. And whether it's cool or not, at this point, I
honestly don't give a damn.

Strange Days is a great movie. The best sf action I've seen in a long,
lomg time. I hope there will be more like that, and I'm sure there will.
People who think the relations between people there were unbelievable
obviosly never had any serious crap happening to them in this life. I've
seen stories exactly like that, and I've seen worse. And you can't
dismiss the facts of life just because they don't fall into the way people
are "supposed to" act. Actually, in my humble opinion, this was the first
action movie that had any resemblance to real life and real people,
instead of all-positive heroes who never do anything stupid, get into
abusive relationships, or in any other way break the magazine-advice-column
"rules of behavior".

All of this is my opinion only, it in no way represents anything but
that, and if anyone is going to get upset to the point of using strong
language, don't forget to stick "IMHO"s around it, it will look better.


        "Femininity is code for femaleness plus whatever society
           happens to be selling at the time."
                                                Naomi Wolf

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