Re: [*FSFFU*] No need to make it personal

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Thu Dec 04 1997 - 16:17:14 PST

Hi, Le Anne!

I haven't been following this thread at all (been too busy following a
transsexual thread on another list!) and only opened this one 'cuz I didn't
know where it came from, but, since it was So Damn Fascinating, I read on!

Anyway, since you listed "Brazil" as one of your favorite movies, I knew
you had to be a Person of Discriminating Taste. But then I saw "Clerks" on
your list. ;-) And I always allow people their own taste (you'll be happy
to know), but since I saw other lesbian movies on there, I suspected you
may be Family, and (sheesh - is this the world's longest run-on sentence or
what?) I personally found "Clerks" so misogynistic, I just HAD to ask you
if you agree with my opinion at all.

And, what did you think of "Chasing Amy"?

When I saw "Clerks," I thought, "Great writing, but too much sexist crap"
and hoped that something better might come from these guys.....

But I resisted seeing "Chasing Amy" because I didn't necessarily approve
of any film that will further fuel the Straight Guy Fantasy that lesbians
can be converted. But when a friend I really respected insisted I see it, I
saw it and ended up really enjoying it (although I had some issue with the
fact that she made such a quick turn-around in the crucial confrontation
scene without any previous evidence that she was the least bit attracted to
this guy.....).

Anyway, I guess I'm just curious as to how you got past all that sexist
crap in "Clerks" when you are obviously a woman of discernment. :-)


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