[*FSFFU*] Hard to Find Feminist SF in print

From: Michael Marc Levy (levymm@UWEC.EDU)
Date: Fri Dec 05 1997 - 09:26:09 PST

Just received a copy of the Spring 98 catalog of the Feminist Press at
the City University of New York. It includes a number of otherwise hard
to find Feminist SF and fantasy works, including Naomi Mitchison's Solution
Three; Katharine Burdekin's Swastika Night, Proud Man, and her never before
published sf novel The End of this Day's Business; as well as Jessica
Amanda Salmonson's feminist supernatural anthology What Did Miss
Darrington See?; Gilman's The Yellow Wall-Paper, plus Gilman's previously
unpublished mystery novel, Unpunished, and a case book to be used with
"The Yellow Wall-Paper" called The Captive Imagination, edited by
Catherine Golden.

The catalog, which needless to say, has all sorts of other wonderful and
worthwhile stuff in it, can be ordered from

                        The Feminist Press
                        at the City University of New York
                        Wingate Hall, City College/CUNY
                        Convent Avenue at 138 Street
                        New York, NY 10031

alternately, I can supply anyone interested with the specific prices,
ISBN numbers, etc. to place an order.

Mike Levy

Michael M. Levy levym@uwstout.edu
Department of English levymm@uwec.edu
University of Wisconsin-Stout off. ph: 715-834-6533
Menomonie, WI 54751 hm. ph: 715-834-6533

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