There was some discussion of Naomi Mitchison a few months ago on the list:
should be somewhere in the archives.
Solution 3 is a novel.
It is the same (very prolific in numerous genres, recently turned 100) author.
From: For discussion of feminist SF, fantastic & utopian literature on behalf
of Cindy Smith
Sent: 06 December 1997 04:56
Subject: Re: [*FSFFU*] Hard to Find Feminist SF in print
Naomi's Mitchison's SOLUTION THREE: Is this a novel or a short story? Also,
is this the same author who wrote "Mary and Joe" in Harry Harrison's
NOVA 1 in 1970, which I believe may be a Christmas story? If anyone has read
either of these stories, can you give me the basic plots? Thanks.
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GO AGAINST THE FLOW! \\\ \\ A Real Live Catholic in Georgia
Delay not your conversion Woe to craven hearts and drooping hands,
to the LORD, to the sinner who treads a double path!
put it not off Woe to the faint of heart who trust not,
from day to day who therefore will have no shelter!
Ecclesiasticus/Ben Sira 5:8 Woe to you who have lost hope!
what will you do at the visitation
of the LORD?
Ecclesiasticus/Ben Sira 2:12-14
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