Re: [*FSFFU*] genres, etc.

From: BJBenesch (
Date: Mon Dec 08 1997 - 23:48:21 PST

In a message dated 97-12-08 23:13:56 EST, Cat Farrar wrote:

> By the way, I'm interested in reading books that feature strong,
> independent woman that are physically fit and confident in their approach
> life. Haven't read science fiction since high school, so I need
> recommendations. I am emphatically not interested in reading about any
> female characters who did it all or even part of it for a male. I'm not
> exclusively intersted in lesbian heros. I just want to read about female
> heros that are heroic. This must include physical strength or skill.
> Looking forward to all the recommendations I'm sure will come in.
> If anyone wants to explain why they recommend a certain book, I'm sure you
> can understand why that would be valuable.
> If you enjoy and value strong women, do a web search for Amazon
> International.
> Cat Farrar

Some ideas:

_Oathbound_ and _Oathbreakers_ by Mercedes Lackey - not very deep, but good
adventure and about the friendship between two women who are both more than
capable of taking care of themselves. More fantasy than science fiction.

_Rimrunners_ by C.J. Cherryh - also not real deep, futuristic science fiction,
a little complicated, I thought, but still good, about a woman stuck in a
situation where everyone can be an enemy, but she follows her own conscience

I'm afraid I can't think of any others right now that exactly fit the bill.
But those are good starts. Mercedes Lackey has several other series set in
the same world as _Oathbound_ and _Oathbreakers_, and most of those features a
strong female main character, but most of them are more "romance-y" than the
"Oath" series. My personal opinion is that the "Oath" series is the top of
that particular heap.

If you don't mind something with a chunk of romance in it, then I would also
recommend _War_for_the_Oaks_ by Emma Bull - set in modern-day Minneapolis
about a female rock musician who gets recruited into an elven war over the
Minneapolis area. Again, not real deep, but a lot of fun. And for all the
romance, the protagonist still makes her own choices, regardless.

Barbara J. Benesch

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