Re: [*FSFFU*] Anyone interested in starting a book group?

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@GEOCITIES.COM)
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 10:22:45 PST

By my count, I see 12 people who're interested. I can see the basis of
Rudy's concern, and I suggest we set-up another site. As for it being on
AOL - well, nothing against them, but I prefer not for varying reasons.
Does anyone have access to making a new listserv, or Laura: can you? My
university isn't the greatest about allowing students access to things of
that nature, so I can't volunteer us.

And, to address Kmfriello's concerns

>I'm definitely interested; but not enthusiastic about graphic novels or

I was merely saying that we have to be open to others making the
suggestions - we just don't vote for something we don't want to read (and
if it makes it to the list just don't bother reading it if you don't want
to). Sequential art is becoming a major avenue of texts in universities
("Maus," "The Dark Knight Returns," and various "Sandman" pieces come to
mind), and I do think Colleen Doran's "A Distant Soil" would work
beautifully in a book list such as this (though I don't know if there are
any graphic novels collecting various issues of the comic)

>In addition to sf and fantasy, utopian fiction could be a category. What about
>critical essays on what we read? Include them in a followup meeting, or at
>least make a bibliography available for those interested?

I think the category could spread across all of speculative fiction,
particularly F, SF, and U. That may mean some horror slips in, but I
consider horror to simply be a darker form of fantasy anyways. As for the
essays: since a lot of us seem to still be in school, I think the latter
suggestion of a bibliography would be best so we don't feel obligated to
read more than one book a month

- Geoffrey

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