Re: [*FSFFU*] Book Club

From: Sharon Anderson (shander@CDSNET.NET)
Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 - 21:12:37 PST

>From a lurker:
        I would be very interested in a book club. I hope you will post
details here, when it gets organized, or add me to the list, or whatever.
        Since everyone is posting their 'druthers, here are mine:

1) paperback only, currently on the market. For those of us who live in
the boonies, don't count on library availability.

2) if there must be a choice, limit it to two or three. Six seems less
like a book club, more like what we already have on this list. (That is
not a complaint. I LIKE this list.)

3) It's been almost a quarter of a century since I was a regular attendee
at a college. I don't want to go back via a book club. I can live quite
happily without the scholarly dissertations, thankyouverymuch. Half of the
time, I don't understand what "y'all" are saying. Post-modernist what?


(+)-(+) your bifocaled, bookish friend,
 Sharon Anderson

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