[*FSFFU*] ** URGENT ** #2

From: Laura Quilter (lquilter@igc.apc.org)
Date: Thu Dec 25 1997 - 09:56:33 PST

- so if someone *has* checked it out - could you send a testimonial to the
list about its alleged harmless or harmful impact? even if it seems
harmless, by the way, i would be cautious before executing it.

sorry y'all - an executable attachment was sent - i'm investigating it now.
 in the meantime do NOT run it until we check it out.


XMASCARD1.EXE sent by Imran Qurishi <imranq@MIDC.TULBOM.UNISYS.COM>

At 04:47 pm 12/25/97 +0530, you wrote:
> Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

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