
From: Ruth Ann Jones (RUJONES@DELPHI.COM)
Date: Sat Mar 29 1997 - 16:31:49 PST

Hi all!

I'm new to this list but have just read through the logs of the last
couple of weeks so I can say with certainty that I'm glad to be

I'm a reference librarian at Michigan State University, and also the
library's women's studies specialist. I've been casually interested
in science fiction by women (among other reading interests) for a
long time, but have recently been pursuing it more actively. It's
exciting - there's a whole lot out there to read!

Regarding the question of whether science fiction was an influence
when I was young - I started watching Star Trek reruns when I was
about 10 and for a long time, that *was* science fiction for me.
<grin> Never read Heinlein; I remember reading the first two or three
books of Asimov's Foundation trilogy but didn't like it much; read
and enjoyed most of Arthur C. Clarke's short stories.

But the SF author I *really* loved as a teenager was Zenna
Henderson. (Pilgrimage: The Book of the People; The People: No
Different Flesh; The Anything Box) Her stories are full of wonderful
strong female characters.

At the moment I'm reading The Pillow Friend by Lisa Tuttle.
Anybody else read or liked this?

Ruth Ann Jones

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