longer introduction, fear

From: Mala Ghoshal (NC) (ghoshal@VIRTU.SAR.USF.EDU)
Date: Thu Apr 03 1997 - 18:51:53 PST

hi everybody! i have a little more time now so i'd like to give a slightly
longer introduction. i'm a fourth-year literature/gender studies major at
new college in sarasota, florida. i'm starting a senior thesis this spring
and (if all goes well) finishing next fall. my general topic is sex and
gender in science fiction, so right now i'm just trying to get grounded
enough in the material to narrow that down. one thing i've been
particularly interested in is how different science fiction authors deal
with reproduction and child-rearing. it's exciting to know that there's a
really articulate, informed community out there interested in exactly the
same authors and books i'm working on.

heather, what differences did you find in fear between male and female

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