From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Fri Apr 04 1997 - 15:03:06 PST

On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, lissa bloomer wrote:

> nalo: wheew. whatalist... thank you.

NH: :* I got carried away (she says sheepishly).

 i suppose a feminist sci fi canon is
> contradictory because of the word canon.

NH: Ah. Because i have no connections to academe, but a few to the arts
world, I've been thinking that 'canon' means the body of work that
delineates the progress of a particular art form. So I'm thinking of that
process by where a breakthrough in a particular style of artistic
representation begets another, as artists respond and react to each other.
I've read sf crit. that maintains that sf inspired the New Wave, which
inspired feminist sf, which inspired cyberpunk (remember: *reaction* as
well as response), which is inspiring: what? Slipstream? sf by lesbigay
writers? I don't know, but I'm sure that someone will be telling us soon
what the next wave is.


p.s. like your sig quote.

        "Would you trade your funk for what's behind the third door?"
                                        P-Funk, "Funkentelechy"

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