Re: delany

From: Tanya Wood (twood@CHASS.UTORONTO.CA)
Date: Mon Apr 07 1997 - 08:54:25 PDT

Most large budget sf films seem to me to be lamentably un-feminist.Some,
like The Terminator, kind of flirt with the female hero but finally this
falters and falls.

One low budget SF movie I do remember seeing is called "Friendship's
Gift". It stars Tilda Swindon (of "Orlando" fame) and is about an alien
and sexless race that sends someone to get the lay of the land.
Unfortunately Friendship lands in Beirut during the '74 war(I think). The
movie is
largely a discussion between a war reporter and the wonderfully ambiguous
Friendship (who chose her female form because they deduced from old movies
that females would be less threatening). Friendship is baffled at
sexual politics providing an outsiders analysis. She finally throws
in her lot with local guerillas, not sustaining her outsiders position.
Its an interesting and finely drawn experimental movie.

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