Re: Octavia Butler:_Parable of the Sower_

From: Anne V Stuecker (
Date: Tue Apr 08 1997 - 15:03:54 PDT

sue hagedorn <hagedors@VT.EDU> writes:

>In the Afterword for "Bloodchild" she writes:
> "It amazes me that some people have seen "Bloodchild" as a
>story of slavery. It isn't."

Wow, my professor's all wrong (Yes! I love it when that happens.).

I read Bloodchild in an anthology that doesn't have this Afterword. Can
you tell me where you found it?

Anne Stuecker <> Washington, DC, USA
Always remember the marketeer's philosophy:

     "If someone won't buy it, no one can have it."

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