Re: Octavia Butler:_Parable of the Sower_

From: sue hagedorn (hagedors@VT.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 09 1997 - 05:02:29 PDT

>surprise--they actually put obviously black characters on the covers
>(which wasn't the case when the books first came out).

Yes--It's very interesting, too, that when I had a class of freshmen read
Dawn, they were at first oblivious to any mention of race (that book
illustrator too obviously had not read the book itself)--when it was
pointed out to them, they changed some of their perceptions about the story
line. That helped me make a point (my "theme" was "What Does it Mean to be
Human?")--but I was a bit surprised at the reaction. (I guess I've been
reading SF too long--since my first Ace double back in the '50s!)


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