Re: Octavia Butler:_Parable of the Sower_

From: Michael Marc Levy (levymm@UWEC.EDU)
Date: Tue Apr 08 1997 - 20:02:58 PDT

Although Parable of the Sower has its strengths, I think the Xenogenesis
trilogy is Butler's masterpiece--Dawn, Imago, and Adulthood Rites. It's
just been reissued in paperback in the U.S. by the way and--surprise,
surprise--they actually put obviously black characters on the covers
(which wasn't the case when the books first came out).

Actually, I don't think Butler's written a book that isn't worth reading.
Kindred, Clay's Ark, the early Patternmaster series are all worthwhile,
although, as has been noted, rather grim.

To tie into another thread, the Xenogenesis series also has a strong
ecofeminist theme.

Mike Levy

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