Re: Tepper's feelings against homosexuality

From: Stone Waters MD (
Date: Thu Apr 10 1997 - 12:46:33 PDT

I think it would be unfair to condem Tepper as anti-gay based merely on her
description a "the gay sundrome" caused by a hormonal imbalance that was
fixed at birth. I don't recall the "gay syndrome" was a big part of the
book, but I read it a long time ago and may have forgotten. So we should give
Tepper a break here.

Interestingly, there has been some evidence to suggest homosexuality (among a
wide variety of "conditions") may have an underlying genetic cause.

Either way, I feel sci-fi writers (fantasy writer's are excused here) have a
responsibility to represent the scientific fund of knowledge accurately and
honestly.This includes feminist theory. If a scifi writer, feminist or
otherwise, crosses the blurry line of plausibe speculation that is based on a
reasonable/believable extrapolation of scientific fact, it is no longer scifi
but fantasy or something else.

Stone Waters MD

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