Re: Tepper's feelings against homosexuality

From: Daniel L Krashin (daniel_l.krashin@TAMC.CHCS.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL)
Date: Thu Apr 10 1997 - 16:39:26 PDT

-Subject: Re: Tepper's feelings against homosexuality
->Nomi I must say it depends greatly on individuals. I for one am
->uncomfortble with gays[ doesn't mean I'll go gay bashing], it's just the
->way I am but I'm fine with lesbians. [snip]
-Hahaha! Forgive me for posting off-topic, but I just couldn't let this one
-slide. "People" aren't fine with homosexuality in the opposite sex - MEN
-are ok with _women_ having sex with each other, and only because they
-envision lesbian sex to be the type they see in straight guy pornography -
-you know - lots of peach satin and long red nails and wishing "if only a
-man would join us" kinda crap. [snip]

Hi, my name is Dan Krashin, I'm a psychiatry resident at an Army hospital in
Hawaii and part-time sf writer. I guess I'd call myself an "ally"
like Sam Delany. I wanted to make a couple comments on the subject.

1) "How I feel about homosexuality" is a very flame-prone issue. Let's try
to be tolerant of each other's missteps. I personally have found it
interesting to read the posts of so many SF readers who are either lesbian or
woman-centric (i.e., preferentially reading books by female authors). The SF
world seems very different from that perspective.

2)I think Jay has a point, at least his experience jibes with mine. (I would
add that eventually one of my friends noticed this and pointed out, "If you
get along with gay women but avoid gay men, you're still homophobic." And I
have tried to get over this dumb prejudice.) But I have had some good lesbian
friends -- it's sort of the ultimate platonic friendship... Ind I think some
women feel this way, too. Think of "fag hags." (Not a PC term, I realize.)

3)Responding to Laura's post, I would point out that sexological research
shows that almost *every* heterosexual male has a strong response to seeing
two women together. This obviously has much to do with male appetites, and
nothing much to do with lesbian women. But why so intolerant of a sexual

4)To turn this post back on-topic, I remember a story from a couple years ago
where the protagonist was a scientist who happened to be lesbian, who was
investigating a prenatal treatment of babies that would prevent (among other
things) homosexuality. The moral conflict in the story got kind of lost
among a lot of corporate intrigue, as I recall, but it raised some
interesting points. I don't think this kind of speculation is necessarily
anti-homosexual. Maybe it was kind of a cheap shot in the context of _Gate_,
though. Has anyone every read a story where they learn how to prevent

Thanks for your attention, Dan (This is what happens when my patients don't
show up!)
*I do not speak for the U.S. Government, nor do they for me, but we're stil
great friends*

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