Re: Reading "errors"

From: Hope Cascio (
Date: Fri Apr 11 1997 - 09:37:20 PDT

In a message dated 97-04-09 18:55:18 EDT, you write:

<< People a book is to be enjoyed, have fun. When I read a book buy
 Margerat Weis I don't sit there thinking about why she wrote about
 something. >>

I don't completely agree. I used to just read for pure pleasure and escapism,
until I came to college and "learned how to interpret what I'm reading." At
first it felt so artificial, but now I feel like I can get so much more out
of something. I never could have attempted most poetry, for instance, before
I learned to interpret, and now I can actually get something from Adrienne
Rich. So it's a construct, but so's the literature. I can still read
ocassionally for the escape, but I much prefer to read something I can think
about later, like while I'm driving or doing the dishes. And I'll reread
things I've enjoyed to see if there's more to it than the lovely escape.

Hope Cascio

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