intro; Lathe; Sparrow; Tiptree

From: Heather Whipple (hwhipple@SCRIPT.LIB.INDIANA.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 16 1997 - 15:26:31 PDT

Hello-- I subscribed yesterday, and I've just finished skimming the list
archives, which is quite a task! (Laura: you might want to consider
resetting the archives to log files on a weekly basis if possible; the
file for April--2 weeks--was already 424 K)

I'm a librarian at Swarthmore College (pay no attention to the Indiana
email address behind the curtain; I'm really in Pennsylvania), and have
been a feminist sf fan for about 15 years. I was first drawn into sf by
either _Wizard of Earthsea_ or _Dragonsong_--going back to the discussion
of artwork I read in the archives, both of these books had lovely
paperpack covers. But I think the first sf book I ever read was _Wump
World_ by Bill Peet when I was about 6. Anybody else know that one?

Now about the film of _Lathe of Heaven_. (I didn't see this info when I
skimmed the log files, but sorry if it was already posted.) Last year I
called the video office at the PBS station which produced it (WNET). The
archivist told me he gets about a call a week asking for this movie.
Unfortunately, the language of the various contracts involved makes
distribution basically impossible. For a slightly longer explanation, see

Finally, has anyone read _The Sparrow_ yet? It too escaped the NYT Book
Review sf ghetto with its own "real" review, though actually I'm not
entirely sure it felt like sf to me anyway. However, it does add more
evidence to my sense that the Tiptree award winners make a wacky set of
titles! (and I say that with great affection and admiration for the
award) Taken individually each book and story is great. But it's quite
difficult, I think, to really generalize anything about the works as a
group. Of course, there's no reason we *should* be able to do that,
except maybe as a way of thinking about the award.

 1997: _The Sparrow_ by Mary Doria Russell
       "Mountain Ways" by Ursula Le Guin
 1996: _Waking the Moon_ by Elizabeth Hand
       _The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein_ by Theodore Roszak
 1995: _Larque on the Wing_ by Nancy Springer
       "The Matter of Seggri" by Ursula Le Guin
 1994: _Ammonite_ by Nicola Griffith
 1993: _China Mountain Zhang_ by Maureen F. McHugh
 1992: _A Woman of the Iron People_ by Eleanor Arnason
       _White Queen_ by Gwyneth Jones

Farrah and Mike mentioned the SFRA list. Could one of you (or anyone else
who knows) post subscription info for it? Thanks.

Heather Whipple

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