Re: critical reading and island breezes

From: lissa bloomer (ebloomer@MAIL.VT.EDU)
Date: Sun Apr 20 1997 - 13:08:53 PDT

>I think it is a mistake to expect that it is entirely within your control
>(and therefore your responsibility) to make sure each student in your class
>properly appreciates, is engaged by, or even likes, every book you introduce.
>And (the eternally optimistic teacher here), you never know what is sinking
>in and will surface later to produce change well beyond your immediate

i, for one, would be a liar if i told you that i didn't care if my students
liked my class and the books. i desperately want all of my students to
purchase all of their texts in hard back to carry around, sniff, and

i also find it a bit odd that more students at this big ol' technical
university are not more into sf. ideas? one of my collegues suggests the
old addage/idea: math is for boys, and reading is for girls. yechchchch.
(so fem sf should be for everyone, under that ol stereotype, eh?)

-lissa bloomer

if you're wearing pants, thank my great great great grandmother.

elisabeth bloomer
instructor, english
virginia tech

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