Re: critical reading and island breezes

From: Joel VanLaven (jvl@OCSYSTEMS.COM)
Date: Sun Apr 20 1997 - 18:48:37 PDT

On Sun, 20 Apr 1997, lissa bloomer wrote:


> i also find it a bit odd that more students at this big ol' technical
> university are not more into sf. ideas? one of my collegues suggests the
> old addage/idea: math is for boys, and reading is for girls. yechchchch.
> (so fem sf should be for everyone, under that ol stereotype, eh?)

  Yech indeed. It boggles my mind how this could be the case, even if
only in a societal context. Unfortunately, I see this often enough in my
own life. I just joined a sci-fi reading group at the local Borders.
There were three women, me, and the man that worked there that was in
charge of the group. Note that this was sci-fi in general, not even
feminist sci-fi. It seemes that one societal imbalance (women in book
groups) overcame another (men and sci-fi).

  Perhaps that adage should be more like: reading is NOT for boys and math
is NOT for girls, so feminist sci-fi is for NO traditional people.

-- Joel VanLaven

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