Re: Fallen off the list?

From: Allen Briggs (briggs@PUMA.MACBSD.COM)
Date: Wed May 14 1997 - 09:41:04 PDT

> Have I fallen off the list or are we just so exhausted from the end of
> the semester that we're not communicating?

I expect the latter. I have just started _Ammonite_ and I'm thoroughly
tied up in there when I'm not at work... Before that was a re-read of
_Sideshow_ predicated by a first read of _Raising the Stones_... :-)

I've also got a large stack of books to read from suggestions on this
list. :-)


PS. I *love* _Ammonite_ so far. [big grin] I think it'll be one of
     the well-thumbed books on our shelves...

              Allen Briggs - end killing -

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