summer reading

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Wed May 14 1997 - 11:54:00 PDT

>-- Joel VanLaven wrote:
> Reading during the summer? I have lovely memories of reading ALL the
>time. Those great memories of reading in my bed at 2am on a school
>morning trying to hide the light (my elbows were proboably permanently
>damaged), of walking through the halls at school reading, of reading on
>the school bus, of reading at dinner (my family hated that), of reading
>for hours on end during car trips, of finishing a book dehydrated because
>I was too engrossed to remember to drink anything. Ahhh, great times.

Aw, you got to read in the car?!?! No fair -- I had motion sickness.
(Semi-graphic comment ahead) I still can't drink cola beverages 'cause the
taste makes me think of the coke syrup my mom gave me for car sickness.

However, I had an isolated room and was able to read late into the night
with a regular reading lamp! Too bad I have such poor vision anyway. I
probably ruined it by sneaking out my door and reading in the strawberry
patch in the moonlight. Best book I ever read out there: _A Wrinkle in
Best book to reread every summer: _Seven Day Magic_ by Edward Eager.

Gotta go find that one now. And Nesbit's _Enchanted Castle_. And Norton's
_Steel Magic_. And...

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