Re: summer reading

From: farah mendlesohn (fm7@YORK.AC.UK)
Date: Thu May 15 1997 - 07:45:58 PDT

On Wed, 14 May 1997 22:52:28 -0400 Sheryl Curtis wrote:
 reading was a big thing when I grew up and Christmas and birthday
> presents were always books. _A Wrinkle in Time_ is the first book
I read
> that I can actually remember the title of and I can hardly wait until
> kids read English well enough (they go to French school here and
> reading English in Grade 4) so I can give it to them. As for the other
> three books, I'll have to look them up.
> Sher
> Montreal, Quebec

I received my first fantasy book, The Lion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe, as a gift when I was eight years old and stuck in isolation
in hospital for three days. I drove the nurses nuts because I wouldn't
turn the light off until I finished it. The first book I remember having
that reaction to.

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