Re: summer reading

From: sue hagedorn (hagedors@VT.EDU)
Date: Thu May 15 1997 - 08:00:46 PDT

>On Wed, 14 May 1997 16:21:52 -0400 Joel VanLaven wrote:
>> Ouch. I can't imagine what it would have been like to be stuck in a
>> for hours without being able to read
>I have two vivid memories re reading on holiday. One is of reading
>my way around Ireland as my mother complained bitterly about all
>the lovely scenery I was missing, and the second when my father
>took me on holiday (the one and only time) and afterwards said that
>in future he would leave me in a library for a week with a sleeping
>bag and a camper stove.
>Sounded good then, sounds good now.

My summers were a constant litany of "put down that book and go out and
play" so I snuck out a book, climbed a tree, and then read until
dinner--only fell out once--hey, it was a good book!


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