Re: Darkover

From: Lara Edge (spiney@USIT.NET)
Date: Thu May 15 1997 - 08:46:39 PDT

>> Speaking of those "comfortable Darkover books:" does anyone
>have a list or
>> know where I can get a list of all the Darkover titles?
>the most recent titles carry a list (in reading order), but i have been
>very dissapointed in the more recent ones. Nothing happened in
>Exile's Song.

I have the books to be very hit-and-miss. Some, such as the Heirs of
Hammerfell, were very disappointing; while I found others fascinating, such
as The Forbidden Tower. Of course, The Forbidden Tower was the first one I
read and maybe because of the "newness" of it, I was enthralled.
Then again, I tend to compare everything to The Mists of Avalon....


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