Re: Summer reading

From: Joel VanLaven (jvl@OCSYSTEMS.COM)
Date: Mon May 19 1997 - 08:25:23 PDT

On Fri, 16 May 1997, Denise Borgen wrote:

> What! a new Tepper that I've missed! when did that come out?
> Sometimes I think I enjoy Tepper for the wrong reasons ( I admit it,
> I love it when she rants, even when I know she's being unfair and/or
> slanted I think she makes some valid points) but both my sister and I grab
> every book by her we can find.
> My first was Gate to Women's Country which was good but didn't really grab
> me. Then a fellow librarian recommended Grass and I was hooked. Now I'm
> trying to collect her earlier fantasies.

I know what you mean. In many ways I can't help loving it when she
trashes religion. It really feels nice to know that someone out there
is a lot more angry and willing to be nasty about it than I am. Although
I THINK that she is going too far, parts of me FEEL like she hasn't gone
far enough. I especially can't help myself when she makes it funny. Like
that whole thing in _Raising the Stones_ when she talks about how the
religion took the commandment "Thou shall not be sexist pigs" to mean that
pigs were bad and tainted so they shouldn't eat pork. (or something like
that). I think it's the same part of me that like Dilbert cartoons
(especially those with Dogbert trashing someone). Does anyone else notice
that in some ways, Dilbert is a bit feminist? His female co-worker is
very competent and amazingly strong, and his love interest was an
athlete. Just a thought O-

-- Joel VanLaven

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