Re: sf: canadian french and english

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Wed May 21 1997 - 20:18:17 PDT

>The box said 'Requires Windows 95, or better.' So I bought a Macintosh.
>Chris Shaffer

Hahahaha, ;-). I love it.

        Who's read "The Food Farm" by Kit Reed? I've just finished reading
it for a class and I want to say it's reinforced my belief that beauty's
only skin deep, but instead I think it merely substituted, in the end, the
physical ideal from thin to fat. On that level, I don't know what to think
of it because it's on the one hand not moving forward in the sense of
having people accept others whatever they look like and on the other it's
at least putting forth a concept like this: what if the physical ideal was
heavy, like ____________(fill in name of favorite heavy female star)
instead of the Cindy Crawfords and Courtney Coxes of the world? An
interesting idea, this one, which deserves examination. I don't know that
the world would be any better because then thin people'd feel like heavy
ones do now (which I'm finding out as I seem to gain girth).

-Sean Johnston

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