Re: Storm Constantine

From: farah mendlesohn (fm7@YORK.AC.UK)
Date: Sun May 25 1997 - 06:24:51 PDT

On Fri, 23 May 1997 14:55:38 -0400 Nalo Hopkinson wrote:
> Farah, I'd be interested in knowing why Storm Constantine's work
> you.

I read the Wraethu series with fascination, but found it disturbingly
misogynistic and very insistent that pain equals pleasure. Now the
latter may be true (and I have shared such feelings) but I have never
felt that this would be a healthy route to go.

Monstrous Regiment seemed to go further down the same track. It
really disturbed me that a female writer could apparently get such
pleasure writing about the torture of women... and note, it wasn't so
much that she wrote about it (I'm not that squeamish) as that it did
seem to have a note of pleasure about it. For me that is the dividing
line between erotica and pornography. Tricky, but we are rather short
of a vocabularly to deal with this sort of writing which emerges from a
feminist vocabularly.


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