Storm Constantine

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Fri May 23 1997 - 11:55:38 PDT

Farah, I'd be interested in knowing why Storm Constantine's work bothers
you. I sucked up the Wraetthu trilogy as fast as she could publish it,
and for a while there, would automatically buy any book of hers that I
found on the shelves, but now find that I'm sort of mulling her work
over, and haven't come to any real conclusions. I did read a short story
of hers in an antho called, I think, _Cybersex,_ that I found disturbing
(the story, not the antho). The story was called "Kiss Booties
Night-Night," and without ruining it for anyone, I wasn't sure what I was
supposed to come away with, other than the compellingly violent image
that ends the story off.


"I recommend biting off more than you can chew,
To anyone."
                -Alanis Morissette

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