Meg's character (Wrinkle in Time, etc.)

From: Gabrielle Bate (BATE@MACC.WISC.EDU)
Date: Thu May 29 1997 - 14:46:00 PDT

        Someone a while ago commented that Meg in a Wrinkle in Time is a
really cool character because she is a sympathetically portrayed nerd.
I agree completely. However, I have major problems with the way L'Engle
portrays her as an adult.
        In _A Swiftly Tilting Planet_, she is still sufficiently human to
be the POV character, though she has somehow grown up to be beautiful and
has gotten rid of her glasses, the ultimate symbol of geekiness. (I say as
I adjust my glasses.) In the later books (those that I have read, far from
all) she is completely reduced to a generic mom character who gives out
hugs and brownies. Calvin, on the other hand, gets to stay somewhat
interesting. The message seems to me to be that it's okay to be a nerdy girl,
but you damn well better conform when you grow up.
                        Gabby Bate

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