Herbet and McCaffrey

From: Barbara Nelson (Bbacon1@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Jun 03 1997 - 23:49:16 PDT

I have been following this group with great interest for the past two months.
 I am an under grad student at Cal. State Fullerton with an American Studies
major and Womens Studies minor. I am writing a paper in connection with an
upper division writing class in the AMST department. The topic I chose was
"Women in Science Fiction, Reflection or Prediction?" I am using the Dune
series by Frank Herbert and the Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey as
the means to explore this topic. I am interested in the thoughts of this
group on the topic.
My hypothesis at this point is that Herbert's women reflect society and warn
of taking things to an extreme. Bene Gesserit control their bodies but are
forbidden to love and Bene Tleilaxu females have no control and are reduced
to functioning as axotl tanks.
McCaffrey seems to paint a prediction of strong positive women working within
the system to succeed and overcome. Leesa, Menolly and Nerlika for example.

Any thoughts pro or con would be appreciated.


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