Re: Susan Calvin

From: Bonnie Gray (bgray@ECE.UCDAVIS.EDU)
Date: Tue Jun 17 1997 - 13:36:52 PDT

     Susan Clavin was one of the first female characters I ever read about
in sf (next to some of Heinlein's).

     Does anyone else remember one story in particular where Susan
ineffectually tried to wear make-up and look attractive to a young
man? I remember the tone was amazingly pitying of her (unsuccessful)
attempts. Even as a pre-pubescent, this disturbed me enough that it has
remained with me.

     Also, I suspect (although, being born during this time, I may be
wrong :) ), that sf in the 60's/70's wasn't liberated because a lot
of unliberated people were writing it still... although, we can't forget
the many fine feminist sf books written then.


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