A couple SF questions

Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 10:58:44 PDT

  I am a researcher at Ohio University seeking reactions from fans of Octavia
Butler, C.J. Cherryh, Anne McCaffrey, Vonda McIntyre and Elizabeth Scarborough.
It's great to find this FEMINISTSF list!

  I am especially interested in your reactions to
        The Parable of the Sower by Butler,
        Rimrunners by Cherryh,
        The Crystal Singer series by McCaffrey,
        The Powers That Be series by McCaffrey & Scarborough, and
        The Starfarers series by McIntyre.
  Have you read any of these novels or series?

  If you have a few minutes, would you respond explaining what you like about
the novel(s)?
  What do you like about the characters, societies, or story-lines?
  Are these stories feminist, humanist, or sexist?
  What don't you like?
  How would you describe these stories to someone who has not read them?

Details: Your responses might appear in print in the dissertation that I am
writing. You must be 18 years old to respond. All responses are confidential;
if they appear in print, your name will be changed. Thank you.

Emilie Falc

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