The Sparrow

From: Bruce Barbarasch / Kate Haas (brucekat@PACBELL.NET)
Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 12:29:30 PDT

Hello, I'm new to the group and have enjoyed seeing what other people
are saying about SF. I just finished The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell,
and enjoyed it very much. I am interested to know what others think
about this book. For those who haven't read it, it is about a secret
Jesuit mission to the first known other planet with life. The characters
are quite interesting,some of them representing (to a non-Christian like
myself, anyway) the best aspects of that religion.
Another question: U.K Le Guin speaks highly of Samuel Delaney. Can
anyone recommend one of his books? I started Neveryona, and found it
Most Tedious.

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