Master i Margarita

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 14:22:13 PDT

Marina, I read this in university, oh, 16 years ago. Read it in
translation and took a stab at reading some of it in Russian (which was
my major along with French). I loved it, but the memory's gone very
dim. I only remember some pointed and funny humour and (can this be
right?) a cat in boots swinging from a chandelier. I also read Yevgeny
Zamyatin's _We_ but my memory of that is even dimmer.


"He walked so far/On stilts of songs, of masqueraded story, that the
stars/Were near."
                -Kamau Brathwaite, "Jou'vert"

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