Re: Male separatist societies

Date: Wed Jun 25 1997 - 19:53:47 PDT

Hi! On the question about *male* only separatist societies. I have not
read a book on that, but there is an East-European (Poland) movie
_Kingsize_. It's about a totalitarian male-only society of dwarfs, who live
among humans, but stay unnoticed because they are about an inch tall. They
reproduce by taking a drink that makes them human size for 24 hours, and
mating with human females. However, all male babies become dwarfs soon
after birth. The drink preparation is a top-government secret, and access
to it is highly restricted. Therefore, most of men in the society have never
seen a woman in their lives. It's a nice film, even though I don't know if it
would be easy to understand if you did not grow up in a Communist
country. However, you might enjoy it.

By the way, have anyone read _Master and Margarita_ by Mikhail Bulgakov?
If yes, please let me know what you think about it.



On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Daniel L Krashin wrote:

> Hi! I haven't gotten the FeministSF list in a little while, so I thought I'd
> send a test message and also ask a question that's been on my mind:
> How many Speculative Fiction stories are there with *male* only separatist
> societies? The Feminist SF biblio lists _Ethan of Athos_ by Bujold.
> I can think of _The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal_ by Cordwainer
> Smith, as well (although his Skopsies are off-camera for most of the story).
> Are there any others out there, and how do they get around the obvious
> problem of reproduction? (In _Ethan_ they use ectogenesis, I think, in
> _Crime and Glory_ it's not really clear).
> Daniel Krashin
> "My opinions do not represent those of the gummint, in fact they're barely
> even my opinions..."

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