"Parable of the Sower"

From: Kate Bolin (kbolin@MAILHOST.TCS.TULANE.EDU)
Date: Mon Jun 30 1997 - 07:18:57 PDT

I unfortunately deleted the message that asked about this particular
novel. So, instead, I'll just post my response here.

I first read Octavia Butler in junior high school, her "Xenogenesis"
trilogy. I had read her two Hugo-award winning stories beforehand and
really liked them.
In the second year of high school, the entire school was assigned to read
"Kindred", her time-travelling Antebellum South novel. I got rehooked on
Octavia Butler and was overjoyed when she came to my school to discuss the
I then read "Parable of the Sower" soon afterwards. That one hit me hard.
I grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, and reading the tale of an
adolescent girl growing up in those suburbs in the future definitely hit a
chord with me.
I also deeply appreciated the fact that there was this intricate religion
set into it. Instead of random New Age mutterings (like one too many SF
novels have had nowadays), Earthseed was well thought out. It made sense
in a senseless world.
Lauren Olamina was a heroine of mine throughout the rest of my high school
days. Even now, in college, I reread "Parable of the Sower" at least once
every six months.

Kate Bolin
                     "Ralph, Jesus did not have wheels."
                Kate Bolin http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~kbolin
                     Founder of Delenn Deserves Better!!

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