Re: So who is on this list?

From: Peggy Hamilton (peggyh@EARTHLINK.NET)
Date: Fri Jul 04 1997 - 21:35:36 PDT

Well, I've been lurking so far, but I might as well take this
opportunity to introduce myself.

I guess I'd have to class myself as a random person, or an et cetera. I
do teach college, but I'm not a professor. I teach English part-time at
a community college. I teach mostly composition, but I'm working with
one of the full time intructors to develop a science fiction course.

I also teach Scottish Country Dancing, though I'm not sure what that has
to do with SF.

I am a writer. I've sold a couple of short stories, to very tiny
magazines, and I just signed with Commonwealth Publications in Canada to
publish my first novel.

I grew up reading SF. My father started giving me science fiction books
as soon as I could read, and I used to spend my summers buried in his
collection of back issues of Analog. His favorite authors were Heinlein
and Asimov, and I partially agree. I like most of Heinlein's work, but
but found most of his last stuff disappointing, and I like Asimov's
short stories, but have never been able to get into any of his novels
(yes, I've read the Foundation trilogy). I also like McCaffery's dragon
and shell-people, but I'm not crazy about the Raven series, and think
the best thing about the Dinosaur Planet books was that in caused
Elizabeth Moon to write Sassinak. I also like Moon, and most of Melissa
Scott's work.

Peggy Hamilton
who is spending too much of her summer with student papers(summer
school) and not enough with the good stuff

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