Re: So who is on this list?

From: Susan Marie Groppi (groppi@HCS.HARVARD.EDU)
Date: Fri Jul 04 1997 - 21:39:27 PDT

On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, Kate Bolin wrote:

> I am beginning to wonder what type of people sign up for this
> list...Do we have a lot of professors? College students? Random people?
> Writers? Computer geeks? Et cetera?

Well, while we're introducing ourselves... I'm a college student, co-chair
of the Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association, and a publishing
assistant at Circlet Press (publishers of erotic science fiction and
fantasy). I've been known to say that science fiction is one of the few
true loves of my life, and I do definitely consider myself a feminist, and
I was very happy to run across this mailing list in the first place.

Which reminds me--I'm doing some book reviews for the science fiction
association's magazine, and I need a third (or fourth, depending on
whetherI decide there's a conflict of interest involved in reviewing one
of Circlet's new releases) book to review. It needs to be something
either newly released or currently notable for some reason--the ones I
currently have are _Distress_ by Greg Egan (if I can find the damn thing),
_The Drag Queen of Elfland_ by Lawrence Schimel, and _Slow River_ by
Nicola Griffith (I know it's not new, but the Nebula gives me a good
excuse). Our editor wants one more review, and I'd like to do another
distinctly feminist work. Suggestions?

                -- Susan
                                   i found god in myself and i loved her
                                        i loved her fiercely -- n.shange

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