Re: So who is on this list?

From: Berni Phillips (
Date: Sat Jul 05 1997 - 04:50:13 PDT

Kate Bolin wrote:
> I am beginning to wonder what type of people sign up for this
> list...Do we have a lot of professors? College students? Random people?
> Writers? Computer geeks? Et cetera?

Well, since you asked.... I think I fit into your "random people"
category. I have read fantasy and science fiction avidly since
childhood. All the women in my family have always worked (farmers on my
father's side and store keepers on my mother's; her mother was an early
telephone operator before she married my grandfather), so feminism comes
as a sort of birthright to me. I've called myself one since I first
heard the word in college (fall of 1973). I have a degree in music and
work as a technician in the semiconductor industry.

Berni Phillips

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